Welcome to #OurBushland! This site promotes the unique biodiversity and cultural values of the remnant forests and woodlands of the Lower Hunter, within the Cessnock Biodiversity Area that includes Cessnock and Kurri-Kurri forests.
Remnant bushland in the area contains amazing biodiversity values, including refuge for 65 threatened entities: 46 fauna and 10 flora species, and 10 endangered ecological communities.
The biodiversity is so unique, it's been listed as internationally as a Lower Hunter Valley Key Biodiversity Area for it's outstanding ecological integrity.
Of the fauna found in Our Bushland, two critically endangered species on the point of extinction. The Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot are regular inhabitants of the land, and rely on the native vegetation and landscapes for food, nesting and shelter sites.
The OurBushland page is a partnership between many local organisations, who are passionate about promoting the values of this area. We also work in collaboration to support restoration activities and protect habitat, and contribute to recovery actions for listed species.
Through the partnership, the group has run several events, including the Our Bushland Festival in 2022, 2023, 2024 and several BioBlitz (Citizen science fauna and flora surveys) activities at Poppet Head Park, Kitchener. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Follow us on Facebook @OurBushland and help us protect this amazing place!