OurBushland Values
Native Mistletoe Restoration Project
Native Mistletoe is a keystone species in woodland and dry forests. What is a keystone species? It's like the building block that holds everything together. Learn more about it's importance by watching the video below.
OurBushland Video Series
There are 9 endangered ecological communities found in OurBushland remnants. Lower Hunter Spotted Gum Ironbark Forests, Kurri Sands Woodlands and more. These forests support 46 fauna and 10 flora species.
This 2018 video below developed by Cessnock City Council with support from Hunter Local Land Services, explains how important these forests are. Cessnock City Council have developed more like these through the Our Bushland Video Series.
Watch them all here: OurBushland video series
Bush for Birds
Rural landholders in the Lower Hunter valley, in Kurri Kurri, Cessnock, Mt Vincent, Quorrobolong, Congewai, Paxton and surrounds are important stewards of some very important habitats.
Forests and woodlands cleared for farming, mining and development have fragmented the landscape in the Hunter Valley. Private landholders in the area can also do their bit to protect and restore natural values on their lands will reap the benefits. With support from Hunter Local Land Services, and Biodiversity Conservation Trust many properties have been restored and conserved in the area.

BirdLife Australia are working with Australian National University's Dr Dave Watson and Mindaribba Local Aboriginal Land Council to trial direct seeding of native mistletoe. Read more here:

Protecting the Cessnock Forests project
The Department of Planning and Environment- Saving Our Species program has been installing protective fencing around the most important remnant vegetation. Local illegal access, illegal tree clearing, firewood collection, rubbish dumping and arson is the biggest threat to this endangered vegetation and the endangered fauna within it.

Landholder education and incentives
Hunter Local Land Services has been promoting Our Bushland values, and working with private landholders, Hunter Region Landcare members and other land managers to restore, enhance, protect and expand OurBushland. While the Regent Honeyeater is the flagship species, the efforts to protect this one species, provide benefits at a larger scale for hundreds of others, the important vegetation and landscapes of the area.
Find out more here: Hunter Local Land Services project 2017-2023 supported by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program

Partners of OurBushland are working together to protect, promote and restore precious habitat and iconic threatened species. Find out more below.
Importance of Mistletoe
Walking Guide and Interpretive Signage
The Hunter Bird Observers Club and BirdLife Australia, with support from National Parks and Wildlife Services and many other partners have developed the Cessnock Birding Guide, and are about to install multiple interpretive signs at key bird routes. There are plenty of places to visit, and enjoy nature- and of course, look for local unique woodland birds.
Open the Birding Guide to Cessnock Woodlands

Captive Breeding Program
The Department of Planning and Environment, Taronga and Dubbo Zoo and BirdLife Australia have been supporting captive breeding programs for the Regent Honeyeater for many years. Birds are bred at the zoos and cared for until ready to release, the dedicated experts support releases in many suitable locations, including the Lower Hunter, to maintain the population of this critically endangered species, to ensure it does not go extinct.
More information here: www.swifft.net.au/cb_pages/team_regent_honeyeater_captive_release.php

Woodland Mural Projects
The Department of Planning and Environment, Hunter Local Land Services have developed two woodland bird murals.
One is in Pokolbin Village, in partnership with Pokolbin Distillery, featuring the Regent Honeyeater, Swift Parrot and Pokolbin Mallee. The other is at Merriwa Skate Park, with the Painted Honeyeater, Grey Mistletoe and Mount Dangar Wattle, in partnership with Upper Hunter Shire Council. These murals are supported by interpretive signage, and were created through Zest Events.

Woodland Birds Schools program
Hunter Region Landcare Network, with support from Hunter Local Land Services and the National Landcare Program, has been supporting many schools with a range of landcare information sessions and schools activities, including woodland birds and amazing woodland bird resources on their web page including woodland birds of the region, bird calls and other great info packs.
Find out more here: hunterlandcare.org.au/woodland-birds-school-education-program/