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Our Bushland Kids
Stuck at home? Interested in the local environment? Looking for activities for your children or for students? This is the page for you!
OurBushland in the Lower Hunter is some of the most amazing habitat supporting a range of unique and highly threatened species. Learn more about your local environment.
Become an OurBushland Kid!
Adventures at Your Place
Hunter Local Land Services have developed the ‘Adventures at your place‘ activity series encourages kids to get outside and explore their own backyard and local bushland/waterway.
Twelve different activity kits for hours of fun and learning are available, check them out now!
Biodiversity Month is celebrated all of September 2022, why not join in on the:
Adventures At Your Place
Biodiversity Blitz Challenge
Check out the Gallery of some of the entries to the "Create and Artwork" challenge

Dirt Girl- Get Grubby!
ABCs DirtGirl has plenty of fun activities in the backyard for the little ones! Make sure you have soap and a wash cloth on hand, to get grubby with DirtGirlWorld Craft! Videos, activities, colouring in and more.

Landcare-Woodland Birds and Fauna Feature
Hunter Region Landcare Network have a regular Fauna Feature page including Woodland Birds and other threatened fauna in the Hunter Valley, and native vegetation of Spotted Gum Ironbark.

Taronga Zoo- Wild Squad
Taronga Zoo invites you to join Wild Squad. They need agents like you! Sign up NOW so you are the first to receive cool, new Wild Squad updates and adventures, including Bee Wise and Regent Rescue. Download the Taronga Zoo Sydney App to get started!

Aussie Ark- Animal Tales & Conservation from the Couch
Aussie Ark is involved in conservation of local native threatened fauna. Find out more at Animal Tales & Conservation from the Couch YouTube channel, or get the Animal Adventure Book, perfect for those stuck at home!

BirdLife-keep kids chirpy!
BirdLife Australia supports citizen science and information through the Birds in Backyard program, has a range of online resources and activities to get familiar with the birds in your own backyard, or a reserve nearby!

BirdLife Australia have also developed a range of birdy resources to keep kids chirpy at home!
Check out the Birds In Backyard Parents Pack:
Saving Our Species-Schools Resources
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment education resources are available for Secondary and Citizen Science including:

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