Since 2018 the OurBushland partners have delivered 3 major community events in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri area.
These events were supported through a wide range of sponsors, and delivered with multiple partner organisations, all to promote one message "Celebrating the biodiversity rich bushland of OurBushland in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri regions and surrounds".
Event activities included:
BioBlitz- community members monitoring for native frogs, birds, microbats, mammals, insects and more to learn more about the biodiversity in the forests.
Dusk and evening spotlighting events
Kids activities, waterwatch and waterbug surveys, Kidspass activities, mask making, biodiversity board game, and more!
Cultural walking tours and Welcome to Country
Biodiversity walking tours
Key presentations from ecologists, historians, Aboriginal Community Elders and experts
Up close with native fauna
Market stalls, information stalls from environmental organisations, native nurseries and wildlife groups
Live performances, music and poetry
Key Partners include BirdLife Australia, Hunter Local Land Services, Mindaribba Local Aboriginal Land Council, Hunter Region Landcare Network, Hunter Bird Observers Club, Department of Planning And Environment, Newcastle University and Cessnock City Council.
Additional valuable partners: Biodiversity Conservation Trust, Aussie Ark and the Australian Reptile Park, Trees in Newcastle, Cessnock Mens Shed, Rotary Club of Cessnock, Hunter Wildlife Rescue Centre, artisans and other community groups and more!
2022-10-11 September-OurBushland Festival-BirdLife Australia led-WON- Australia Day Environmental Award 2023
The largest event run to date. The event kicked off with a booked out spotlight tour the night before, and plenty of wildlife observed in the forests. With 600-700 community participants and attendees on the day, the event hosted most popular (and booked out) Cultural and Biodiversity tours and Spotlight walks. Headline acts from live performers William Crighton, Steel City Sue and Ben Leece, key presenters BirdLife Australia, George Madani, Ed Tonks and more. Welcome to Country from Elders. Mistletoe seeding demonstration. Over 20 information and interactive displays and market stalls, with Aussie Ark baby tasmanian devils on hand for a cuddle!
This event was supported through Hunter Local Land Services and the National Landcare Program, Hunter Bird Observers Club and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
2019- 7-8 September BioBlitz Event-Cessnock City Council led BioBlitz Event
The second BioBlitz community day held at Poppethead Park was attended by 220 community members. A spotlight event the evening before discovered microbats, frogs and more! The day featured walks in the bushland to learn and search for unique biodiversity, and several stalls from key partners, with plenty of fun activities for kids, including biodiversity games, DIY fauna masks, and waterbug surveys and frog displays. Participants were encouraged to record records using iNaturalist App. Results can be found here: www.inaturalist.org/projects/cessnock-bioblitz-at-poppethead-park-kitchener
This event was supported through the NSW Environmental Trust
2018- 14-15 September-BioBlitz Event-Cessnock City Council led
The inaugural BioBlitz event held at Poppethead Park commenced with excitement and enthusiasm. Over 150 attendees participated in a BioBlitz survey event through spotlight tours, day walking tours, information stalls and fun kids activities. This event was supported through the NSW Environmental Trust.